Senior Engineer

I have absolutely no excuses! Not even a good one, much less a bad one that some might try to justify. Nope. None, zero, nada. I have been totally remiss in creating and sending out my newsletter in a timely fashion. And I made the promise to do so right before Christmas. Guess who’s going […]
It’s Christmas! Where has the year gone? Twenty minutes ago it was the Fourth of July, or at least it feels that way. Obviously I have been very busy and have neglected to send out newsletters in a timely manner. Now with the year winding down and expecting the workload to drop so I can […]
Now, with the Fourth of July holiday weekend behind us, we can all cut back and relax for a month or two before getting back into work related activities: NOT! I know it’s very tempting to do so, but let me explain why it is not the right thing to do. The short answer is […]
Since my last newsletter at the end of December 2012, a lot has happened (Where does the time go?), some of which I want to share with you. So far, the packaging and medical device fields have remained stable but there has been a jump in the automotive and sporting goods sectors for me. That’s […]
As 2012 is quickly drawing to a close, it is a good time to look back over the year and see where we shined and those few instances where we, uh, could have shined more brightly. Actually, it has been a very good year with several projects making it through the design, prototyping and acceptance […]
It is not very often, in the course of doing one’s typical engineering work, to have the opportunity to simultaneously create a personal impact on many others. In addition, while actually doing so, to provide some assistance and career guidance to people starting out makes it that much more rewarding. I had this opportunity recently […]
The responses received thus far from the launching of my new and improved website, have been simply fantastic. By far the general consensus is positive and some really sharp recipients have made some comments that, when implemented, will make it even better. It is really great to have such knowledgeable and caring readership. Please […]
My new website is launched. Higher, higher, higher and now…finally, orbit has been achieved! You’re now welcome to come aboard. The website address is Come and visit us. I hope you will take some time to poke around, well, everywhere. Not only am I very interested in your comments per se, but I would […]
It has been almost four months since my last letter. I have been busy with new work – some from existing customers and some from new ones. I am extremely happy that current customers are so pleased with my quality and speed of delivery that they refer me to their friends and contacts. Often, I […]
I am sure that you have all heard the expression, “What goes around comes around.” Well, it seems to be applying itself in an area which I am sure will make many of you happy. I am talking about jobs that had been “shipped” overseas (offshore) now coming back to the USA. The new word […]